News Listing

SIMC in the News:

In an interview with Korean legal publication Law Times (Headline: Global Settlement Rate from Mediation Exceeds 70%), SIMC Chairman Mr George Lim SC explained the process of commercial mediation and highlighted some of its key advantages: it saves time, offers confidentiality and enables parties to maintain an amicable relationship.

Nikkei today reported on the Singapore Convention on Mediation and the progress in which States are coming on board.

Acknowledging that many countries—including the U.S. and China—have yet to ratify the international treaty, Singapore’s second minister for law, Mr Edwin Tong SC, said, “In its initial stages, just like any new convention, it will take a bit of time, simply because besides a ...

We were privileged to be part of the Singapore Convention Week and UNCITRAL Academy 2021 on 7 and 8 September 2021, in partnership with the Singapore Ministry of Law and United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL). 

Against the backdrop of the Covid-19 pandemic, mediation has been gaining currency in recent times, as a dispute resolution method that is economical, efficient, effective, preserves relationships and builds harmony, whether the disputing parties are from corporates or communities.  At the Singapore International Mediation Centre (SIMC) for example, the caseload for the first half of this year is ...

Against the backdrop of the Covid-19 pandemic, mediation has been gaining currency in recent times, as a dispute resolution method that is economical, efficient, effective, preserves relationships and builds harmony, whether the disputing parties are from corporates or communities.  At the Singapore International Mediation Centre (SIMC) for example, the caseload for the first half of this year is ...

Lianhe Zaobao (联合早报) yesterday reported on the increasing role of mediation for cross-border commercial disputes.

The impact of Covid-19 has made it hard for parties to comply with their contractual obligations, leading to difficulties in business relationships. However, the non-compliance may not have occurred due to the fault of either party. In such circumstances, it makes sense to mediate ...

The Singapore International Mediation Centre (SIMC) and ICSID are pleased to announce that they have entered into an Agreement on General Arrangements. The Agreement was signed on behalf of SIMC by George Lim, Chairman of SIMC, and on behalf of ICSID by Gonzalo Flores, Deputy Secretary-General of ICSID. 

The establishment of the SIMC Suzhou (Mediation) Working Group improves access to international commercial mediation for companies, businesses and investors in Suzhou.

SINGAPORE—The Singapore International Mediation Centre (SIMC) today announced the establishment of the SIMC Suzhou (Mediation) Working Group in the Suzhou Industrial Park (SIP) to promote access to mediation as an avenue to ...

As the year came to a close, we could not help but wonder how many families in Singapore had been disproportionately affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. We wanted to play our part to give back to the community through simple acts of care.

We are pleased to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with Benchmark Chambers International and Benchmark International Mediation Center (BCI & BIMC) to support cross-border trade and commerce within the Greater Bay Area.