SIMC offers protocols to suit your situation best. From Arb-Med-Arb protocols to Joint Protocols with partners for disputes between parties of different cultures.
On 24 October 2024, SIMC had the privilege of participating in the AIMA APAC Annual Forum 2024…
Congratulatory messages from SIMC's partners on our 10th anniversary
Ms. Laila Ollapally
Founder, CAMP Arbitration and Mediation Practice Bangalore, India
CAMP is privileged to have been collaborating with SIMC over the past few years. The professionalism, the warmth and the genuine desire to promote mediation by the team at SIMC has been a great inspiration to us at CAMP. ....
Chairman Yu Jianlong, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Mediation Centre
The long-term partnership established by the CCPIT Mediation Center and SIMC has produced fruitful outcomes, fostering full exchanges and communication in the realm of mediation between China and Singapore. We will continue and strengthen our cooperative relationships in the upcoming years, ....
Commercial Law Development Program
Department of Commerce, United States of America
The breadth and consistency of our work together is a testament to SIMC’s dedication to advancing access to justice and the rule of law around the world through alternative dispute resolution and cutting-edge mediation practice. ....
Justice Lavu Nageswara Rao
Life Trustee and Member of the Governing Council of International Arbitration and Mediation Center, Hyderabad
Congratulations to SIMC on its 10th Anniversary! Your influence in mediation transcends regional boundaries, establishing global standards and fostering best practices. Our partnership has profoundly transformed the mediation landscape in India. ...
The International ADR Center, Sri Lanka
Congratulations to SIMC on completing 10 years of exemplary work and achieving amazing results that inspire all of us who are dedicated to promoting mediation in our countries. We always showcase your successes as evidence that mediation has great value in the dispute resolution world. ....
Mr. Hiroyuki Tezuka
Chief Director of Japan International Mediation Center
It's a great honor to me and JIMC to maintain and develop our Joint Protocol, under which we have been successful in assisting the parties in settling disputes involving parties with different culture and legal backgrounds, via mediation. We hope to continue our joint efforts to promote international mediation, including arb-med, and to develop modern mediation practices under the Singapore Mediation Convention regime.