SIAC-SIMC Japan Webinar: International Arbitration & Mediation: Complementary Systems to Preserve Business Relationships and Effectively Resolve Disputes

SIMC had the privilege of co-hosting the SIAC-SIMC Japan Webinar, titled “International Arbitration and Mediation: Complementary Systems to Preserve Business Relationships and Effectively Resolve Disputes”. Moderators Ms Michelle Park Sonen (Head of Northeast Asia, SIAC) and Mr Teh Joo Lin (Deputy CEO, SIMC) were joined by a distinguished group of panellists who offered valuable insights from their diverse professional backgrounds and experience.

The panel featured:

  • Mr Lok Vi Ming (Vice Chairman, SIMC; Managing Director, LVM Law Chambers LLC)
  • Mr Branden Billiet, Managing Director, FTI Consulting)
  • Mr Yoshimasa Furuta (FCIArb; Partner, Ander Mori & Tomotsune)
  • Mr Gai Matsushita (Partner, Atsumi and Sakai)
  • Ms Samantha Tan (Senior Associate, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, Singapore).

It was a highly insightful and interactive webinar, diving deep into changing landscape of international dispute resolution through panellists’ reflections, audience polls, and dynamic Q&A engagement.

More highlights in the full transcript below: