Congratulatory Messages from Partners for SIMC's 10th Anniversary



Ms. Laila Ollapally Founder, CAMP Arbitration and Mediation Practice Bangalore, India


Ms. Laila Ollapally
Founder, CAMP Arbitration and Mediation Practice Bangalore, India

Congratulations to SIMC on its tenth anniversary. CAMP is privileged to have been collaborating with SIMC over the past few years. The professionalism, the warmth and the genuine desire to promote mediation by the team at SIMC has been a great inspiration to us at CAMP. SIMC is a torch bearer for the use of mediation. The Singapore Convention itself bears testament to George’s vision supported by his team at SIMC. We look forward to the journey in the years ahead with SIMC. We believe, together we can build a world striding steadfastly towards peace, harmony and value creation.




Mr. Yu Jianlong 于健龙主席
Chairman, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Mediation Centre 中国贸促会调解中心

On behalf of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) Mediation Center, I would like to extend my warmest congratulations and best regards to SIMC on the occasion of its 10th anniversary. Throughout the past decade, SIMC, rooted in its culture of trust, integrity and responsibility, has grown into a globally renowned mediation institution with broad influence. SIMC has been actively striving to encourage mediation awareness, broaden international consensus and drive innovative practices, making significant contributions to the development of international commercial mediation. The long-term partnership established by the CCPIT Mediation Center and SIMC has produced fruitful outcomes, fostering full exchanges and communication in the realm of mediation between China and Singapore. We will continue and strengthen our cooperative relationships in the upcoming years, working together to shape a brighter and more promising future for commercial mediation.




The United States Department of Commerce’s Commercial Law Development Program

The United States Department of Commerce’s Commercial Law Development Program has collaborated with SIMC across East, Central, and South Asia for most of the last decade. The breadth and consistency of our work together is a testament to SIMC’s dedication to advancing access to justice and the rule of law around the world through alternative dispute resolution and cutting-edge mediation practice. From Malaysia to Pakistan, from Sri Lanka to Uzbekistan, SIMC will cross oceans for their friends, and we are grateful to count the entire SIMC team as our friends and colleagues. Congratulations to the entire team on ten successful years, and we are looking forward to working together in the decade to come.


Justice Rao


Justice Lavu Nageswara Rao 
Life Trustee and Member of the Governing Council 
International Arbitration and Mediation Center, Hyderabad 

Congratulations to SIMC on its 10th Anniversary! Your influence in mediation transcends regional boundaries, establishing global standards and fostering best practices. Our partnership has profoundly transformed the mediation landscape in India. From the Specialist Mediators Workshop in April 2023 to the India Mediation Weekend in July 2024, each collaboration has underscored our mutual dedication to peaceful conflict resolution. Your leadership and unwavering commitment have been crucial on this journey. We treasure the invaluable milestones we have achieved together and eagerly anticipate many more years of impactful collaboration. Best wishes for your continued success and even greater accomplishments in the future!



The International ADR Center, Sri Lanka

Congratulations to SIMC on completing 10 years of exemplary work and achieving amazing results that inspire all of us who are dedicated to promoting mediation in our countries. We always showcase your successes as evidence that mediation has great value in the dispute resolution world. 

Our association with SIMC began with a professional training initiative and has extended beyond to establish a relationship that promises to collaborate to make our region an exciting prospect for quality mediation services. 

We wish you the very best and look forward to continued cooperation in the pursuit of mutual endeavors.





Mr. Hiroyuki Tezuka
Chief Director, Japan International Mediation Center 

On behalf of Japan International Mediation Center (JIMC) in Kyoto, for which I serve as Chief Director, I congratulate SIMC on its 10th Anniversary and its continuing growth and success. It is a great honor to me and JIMC to maintain and develop our Joint Protocol, under which we have been successful in assisting the parties in settling disputes involving parties with different culture and legal backgrounds, via mediation. We hope to continue our joint efforts to promote international mediation, including arb-med, and to develop modern mediation practices under the Singapore Mediation Convention regime.



Mr. Mark Lim
Chief Legal Counsel and Director, Hearings & Mediation Department
Intellectual Property Office of Singapore



IPOS is proud to have worked with SIMC for many years to help to bring value to disputing parties. SIMC is an important partner in our schemes to encourage mediation, and a frequent speaker in our outreach events to international and local stakeholders.

SIMC’s chairman, Mr George Lim SC, successfully mediated one of the earliest trade mark cases under the World Intellectual Property Organization-Singapore ASEAN Mediation Programme.

On this occasion of SIMC’s 10th Anniversary, we wish SIMC every success and look forward to our continued collaboration!


Jeremy Lack



Mr. Jeremy Lack
Founder of LAWTECH.CH, Lawyer and Dispute Resolution Expert Neutral

It has been a privilege and a pleasure collaborating with SIMC during your first decade of activities, especially having had the dubious honour of handling what might be your longest open case to date. I deeply appreciate your flexibility, patience, and pragmatism throughout that matter, which were exactly what the clients needed, and which facilitated the matter being fully resolved to their mutual satisfaction.

Best wishes for your celebrations and congratulations on a remarkable 10 years of promoting and providing mediation services locally and internationally.

I look forward to continuing our successful partnership for another decade.



Ms. Wang Weijun
Secretary General
Shanghai International Arbitration Center





On behalf of Shanghai International Arbitration Center (SHIAC), I extend my heartfelt congratulations to SIMC on your 10th anniversary.

Since 5 November 2014, SIMC has excelled in promoting mediation in Asia and beyond. Your dedication to excellence and innovation has greatly benefited businesses and individuals. Our partnership, especially after the July 2023 Agreement of Cooperation, has been fruitful. We appreciate the collaboration and the successful China Specialist Mediators’ Workshop in May 2024.

We look forward to continued collaboration to advance fairness and efficiency in dispute resolution. Congratulations once again on this milestone. We wish SIMC continued prosperity.



Shanghai International Commercial Mediation Center

Warm congratulations to the Singapore International Mediation Centre (SIMC) on its 10th anniversary! SIMC's outstanding achievements and professional standards in the field of international mediation are remarkable. This May, Shanghai International Commercial Mediation Center (SHICMC) signed an MOU with SIMC, and we eagerly look forward to further cooperation in joint mediation and the training of international commercial mediators. We believe that SIMC will continue to take on a leading role on the stage of international commercial dispute resolution, creating a fairer and more harmonious environment for global business development!





Dr. Liu Xiaochun
Shenzhen Court of InternationAl Arbitration

As SIMC celebrates its 10th anniversary in 2024, I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations on behalf of the Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration (SCIA). As a longstanding partner, we have witnessed SIMC’s remarkable achievements in the field of mediation. The collaboration between SCIA and SIMC, particularly through the SIMC + SCIA Med&Arb mechanism, has been instrumental in resolving complex cross-border disputes. We look forward to mutual growth and success. Wishing SIMC continued excellence in the field of mediation and beyond.


J Chao


Mr. Chao Hick Tin
Singapore Chamber of Maritime Arbitration


The SIMC has achieved much in the past decade. Notably, the SIMC has made good progress in the promotion of the ratification of the Singapore Convention. The SCMA’s close collaboration with SIMC has been our profound privilege. The establishment of our SCMA-SIMC Arb-Med-Arb protocol and the introduction of the inaugural SCMA-SIMC Maritime Mediators Panel are testament to our shared commitment to advancing mediation in the maritime sector.

Congratulations on reaching this important milestone of your 10th anniversary! We celebrate this special occasion with SIMC and look forward to many more years of partnership with you in enhancing the mediation scene in Singapore and across the globe!



Ms. Gloria Lim
Chief Executive Officer
Singapore International Arbitration Centre

The Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC) extends its warmest congratulations to SIMC on the 10th anniversary of its establishment.

SIMC is a premier institution dedicated to promoting the use of mediation to help international parties amicably resolve their disputes. Back in 2014, SIAC and SIMC worked together to introduce the innovative SIAC-SIMC-Arb-Med-Arb Protocol, and over the years, the protocol has helped international parties to enjoy the benefits of a structured procedure to enjoy the benefits of both arbitration and mediation to amicably resolve their disputes.

The teams from SIAC and SIMC have also had the opportunity to collaborate for many events held both in Singapore and overseas to jointly promote the benefits of the SIAC-SIMC-Arb-Med-Arb Protocol to users.

SIAC looks forward to continuing to work closely with SIMC in its second decade and beyond to support the dispute resolution needs of the international legal and business community, and we wish SIMC every success.



Justice Philip Jeyaretnam
Singapore International Commercial Court

On behalf of the Singapore International Commercial Court, I extend our warmest congratulations to the Singapore International Mediation Centre on your 10th anniversary. Your dedication to promoting amicable settlements has significantly enhanced Singapore's dispute resolution landscape. Our partnership has strengthened Singapore's position as a leading dispute resolution hub, offering parties a holistic approach to resolving complex international disputes. The launch of the Litigation-Mediation-Litigation protocol in 2023 exemplifies our joint commitment to innovation and efficiency in dispute resolution. This milestone underscores the synergy between our institutions and the value of mediation in international commercial conflicts.



Singapore International Dispute Resolution Academy


Congratulations to the Singapore International Mediation Centre on its 10th anniversary! Over the past decade, SIMC has greatly contributed to the field of international dispute resolution and has fostered harmony across borders. SIDRA has valued our relationship with SIMC over the last few years and appreciate the dedication of SIMC and its staff in ensuring excellence and innovation in mediation. We wish SIMC many more years of success and growth!



Mr. Alvin Sim
Executive Director 
Singapore International Mediation Institute

Through SIMI's accreditation work, we hope we have helped SIMC and many of its mediators to represent quality mediation services. In turn, we hope that this has supported the resolution of an increasing number of commercial disputes spanning different jurisdictions, enabling peaceful and continued business collaborations and cross-border trade. Congratulations that SIMC's work has grown across the decade - SIMI looks forward to helping more of its panel mediators stand for, and promote quality mediation services. Here's to the next 10 years of developing more quality mediation services from Singapore !



姚文蕾主任 Ms. Yao Wenlei 
SIP Party Working Committe Member, Adminitrative Committee Vice Chairman, Legal Affairs Commission Secretary

I would like to extend my warmest congratulations and sincerest respect on behalf of the Suzhou Industrial Park (SIP) Administrative Committee for SIMC's 10th anniversary! Over the past decade, SIMC has made significant contributions to the innovation and development of international commercial dispute resolution mechanisms through its professional and efficient mediation services. This year also marks the 30th anniversary of SIP in collaboration with Singapore. We hope that SIMC continues to lead the development of international commercial mediation, and we look forward to deeper cooperation between SIP and SIMC in the field of mediation!





Mr. Phan Trong Dat
Acting Director
Vietnam Mediation Centre

Vietnam Mediation Centre (VMC), a division of Vietnam International Arbitration Centre (VIAC) would like to congratulate SIMC on their 10th anniversary. VMC is proud to have partnered with SIMC to promote mediation practice in Vietnam. Our collaboration, highlighted by the MoU signed last year, following your insightful contributions to our events in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh city, has greatly impacted the mediation landscape in Vietnam. The signing of the MoU is, in our view, only the prelude to the greater collaboration between the two mediation institute. We look forward to many more years of fruitful cooperation and shared successes.