
A distinguished panel led by SIMC CEO Aloysius Goh at this year’s IPBA highlights the future of cross-border mediation ahead of the Singapore Convention on Mediation.

In Japan, the means to end private, commercial disputes amicably appears to be gaining traction.

In India, a taste for revenge is but one of the bumps to championing greater use of mediation, writes Laila T Ollapally. Legislation reform and India being a signatory to the Singapore Convention could turn things around.

As mediators, we walk a delicate line between acknowledging and valuing the realities of the past and the present, with all the dysfunction and failings which have contributed to the conflict, and focusing on the present and the future with the opportunities they present to shape something new. Both are important, neither can be short-changed. I wrote about this some time ago when I referred to...

The growth of medical litigation worldwide has increased healthcare costs and is becoming one of the leading causes of young doctors leaving the profession. Some drivers of this trend in China and Singapore include a more well-read population and greater access to legal advice. More complex illnesses, aging populations, and a higher demand for medical facilities have also led to tensions between...

Hot off the press, the case of Chan Gek Yong v Violet Netto (practising as L F Violet Netto) and another and another matter [2018] SGHC 208 (‘Violet Netto’) decided by the Singapore High Court provides us with clues as to the Court’s general attitude towards mediation and mediated settlement agreements (‘MSAs’). It is useful to reflect on the Singapore Court’s attitude towards mediation in light...

These are heady days in international mediation circles. A panel discussion earlier this summer at an UNCITRAL conference entitled “Feel the Earth Move – Shifts in the International Dispute Resolution Landscape,” dedicated largely to mediation, captures the sentiment. Reasons for the excitement include the approval of a draft of the UNCITRAL treaty for enforcing mediated settlement agreements (the...